Monitor R2-DL, R2-DX, R2-DX-smart, 3 R2-XD, R2-DM measure Watermark sensors from 0 to 239 cbar or kPa.
- Monitor & WATERMARK sensors, Tensiometry
Solution Monitor R2-DX
- From 1227,00 €
- ici automaticaly measures, displays, stores and transmits on the web the tensiometric measurements of Watermark sensors, rain gauge and watermeter. Re-programmable by SMS.
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- Monitor & WATERMARK sensors, Tensiometry
Solution Monitor R2-DL
- From 872,00 €
- ici automaticaly measures, displays, stores tensiometric measurements of Watermark sensors, rain gauge, watermeter. Re-programmable with IR2 soft, via mini USB. Data .csv files can be uploaded from micro SD to web account, to get graphs and advises on line.
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- Monitor & WATERMARK sensors
WATERMARK sensor handheld meter solution
- From 553,00 €
- Traditionnal Watermark handheld meter. Watermark sensors reader. Adjustable for soil temperature variations. Touchpad operating panel with LCD display, no record. Powered by a 9 volt battery. Remove cable assembly in the wallet, after use.
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- Monitor & WATERMARK sensors, Tensiometry
Solution Monitor R2-DX-Smart + valve control
- From 1987,00 €
- ici measures, stores and transmits the tensiometric measurements of Watermark sensors. Also, it is organised as a 8 valves controller. Monitor R2-DX-smart allows smart irrigation on following concept : a decision Y/N is taken in real time each time a pre-programmed irrigation comes : useful or not ? This is decided by comparing the different medians to their preset thresholds.…
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- Monitor & WATERMARK sensors, Tensiometry
Solution 3 Monitors R2-XD transmission
- From 2408,00 €
- La solution des 3 R2-XD est une variante de la solution classique R2-DX Elle respecte la même règle de 3 répétitions minimum, seule réponse à l'hétérogénéité spatiale de l'eau dans un sol irrigué. Elle respecte les mêmes règles de positionnement dans l'enracinement et positionnement en distance par rapport au matériel d'irrigation, etc... La différence est que la solution des 3 R2-XD consiste…
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Monitor & WATERMARK sensors - Accessories for Watermark sensors

- Accessories for Watermark sensors
Temperature probe
- 34,00 € HT
- Temperature sensor, for temperature soil or air temperature. Mounted on a 1.8m shetered cable.
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- Accessories for Watermark sensors, Tensiometry, Uncategorized
Battery 12V – 5Ah
- 25,00 € – 30,00 € HT
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- Accessories for Watermark sensors, Augers, Monitor & WATERMARK sensors, Nitrate measurement, Tensiometry
Spiral auger
- 69,00 € HT
- Special spiral auger 25/22 mm, to prepare the sensor installation Without disturbing the soil and without damaging the sensor
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Monitor & WATERMARK sensors - Services

- Services, Services
Installation of equipment
- 210,00 € – 497,00 € HT
- Installation is a complete service including tecnico-economical choice on what field should be equiped agronomic approach on positionning in each field agronomic approach on depth of sensors in rooting zone positionning under irrigation equipments : gun, sprinkler, drip, fload .. installation of eqipments : ici, sensors, pluviometer, watermeter ... open internet on-line account to follow graphs and advises travelling costs…
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- Services, Services
Weekly advice
- 56,00 € – 990,00 € HT
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